A part of my story

I am a mother, partner, friend, daughter, 500 hour Certified yoga teacher, Breathwork practitioner, Somatic Sex Educator- in training ( in my final mentorship), and have a B.A. degree in Communications Studies from Huntingdon College.

I am a student of Life and love to learn.

I am passionate about unlearning dogmatic systems and unwinding systematic oppressions within self and discovering deeper and deeper Peace and embodied Freedom and holding space for others who hold this Desire.

I enjoy holding space for others to discover their own Wisdom’s unique ways of releasing shame and returning to their innate nature of embodied aliveness, health and wellness and empowering choice and voice through this process.

I know through my own experience the power of being educated on one’s own sexual anatomy and autonomy, which is often skipped over in American culture and that is problematic for many reasons.

I appreciate being a space holder and educator for other’s to mindfully embrace body neutrality, to reclaim choice and voice and to practice conscious breath and awareness, allowing one’s innate and radiant aliveness to replace shame or fear.

I am a Somatic Sex educator in training- in my mentorship. I have been in training since 2018. I am trauma-informed. I am not a therapist.

Somatic Sex Educators have a code of ethics that are followed and I am backed by the Professional Association of SSEA.

This is a Certified field but not a licensed field. It is in the field of naturopathy.

I am in a monogamous relationship with my partner Israel and I touch bodies when it’s an intentional somatic container and appropriate, for the purpose of education and to encourage neuroplastic change to support healing.

I am not someone to come to if your intention is a quick fix on how to make your sex life better, although that may occur through your own breath, body and Self awareness.

My niche is allowing shame to unwind through education and the release of fear that occurs through self- compassion and Self Awareness practices and the reclamation of Embodied aliveness.

My niche is the whole-spectrum of mind/body/soul integration through spirituality and science.

I have trained with many teachers, to name a few..

Karen Conley with Amazing Yoga in 2011. I was the first Certified Baptiste teacher in the state of Alabama, and went on to assist Baron Baptiste in New York and Texas and created a weekend workshop for him in bridging mindfulness through yoga for the University of Alabama Swim team and for Army families here in Enterprise AL. I also assisted a Baptiste training in Africa with Africa Yoga Project.

I trained and assisted yoga trainings through Live Love Teach with Stacy Dockins and Philip Urso in Texas and in Rhode Island. You can find a very old class of mine available free on Live Love Teach podcast.

I opened two successful yoga studios here in Alabama and closed them within 3 years when my soul nudged me (and I held much resistance to this) to dive into education around intimacy, sexuality, embodiment and sexual wholeness.

I spent 6 years studying and training with friend and former teacher Jayem Hammer, channel for the Spiritual Pathway of Way of Mastery which corrects the mind, heals the heart and awakens the soul.

Way of Mastery is the Christ Path of Enlightenment, one of many Universal pathways that point to the Wisdom (Christ) innate within each of us and grows a greater understanding of the Laws of the Infinite.

I have spent the last 6 years slowly going through the Institute of Somatic Sex Education, Based in Canada, course by course unwinding my own fears and shame around sexual energy and sexual expression, observing dynamics, and becoming a guide for others through body- based training in Somatic Sex education. I am in Course 5 at the Somatic Sex Institute, my mentorship.

I have taught yoga in Women’s prisons, in alternative schools for teens, with Wounded Warriors and the ancient practice of naked yoga for Naked in Motion LLC in Boston. I teach naked yoga in desexualized spaces as a way of taking a collective journey through fear, into Self discovery, compassion, and empowerment. Since then I have taught naked yoga classes in Santa Fe, Alabama and Florida.

I have held 8 Embodiment retreats for Women and for all genders located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Berkenshire England and in Santa Rosa Beach Florida. 3 of these Retreats have been offered with my beloved partner Israel.

I love slow mornings, I have a new found love for house plants and I love delicious meals, long walks or jogs and being in nature. I love my twin 16 year old sons, and two dogs.

My deepest core truth is the knowing that we are all equal in soul, and yet have very unique human experiences, in the evolution of Soul.

I feel our own innate Wisdom communicates with us effortlessly and often I find people ( as I once had) have forgotten how to hear their own Guidance.

Through re-learning trust in Self and the courage to communicate authentically I know we create new possibilities and friendships that feel like goodness.

I feel being able to attune to our deepest longings and sometimes tucked away hidden desires in a new way, not only creates an inspirational creative life but supports all of humanity.

I call this embodied living.

I believe when we meet each other in honesty, emotional vulnerability, gentleness and transparency, miracles happen…
We are happier and more peaceful when we live in alignment with soul and happier more peaceful humans leads to a happier more peaceful earth.

Fundamental to this is not overlaying another’s experience with my own, and to deeply embody listening… which is a life-long practice for myself.