In Service to Love
The Christ path of Enlightenment.
“Spirituality is not a journey forward; it is a journey backward. We return to our original source of existence. In that process, we have to pass through the layers of emotions and vasanas (mental tendencies) we have accumulated so far. That is where the pain comes from, not from outside. By going through these layers with an open attitude, we are, in fact, transcending them, which will ultimately take us to the abode of supreme peace and bliss.” ~Amma
Way of Mastery, the Christ Path of Enlightenment, is a path of self reflection, and being educated through learning to apply the Laws of the Infinite and in my experience through application and sincere willingness, embodied understanding becomes known through us , from soul to cell, and effects our experience of all of Life as we remember slowly we are Life!
I have been a guide within this pathway since 2017.
I have seen in my own experience and through walking with others who are reading the texts for the first time, that through applying the mindfulness tools given, the mind is corrected, the heart is healed and the Soul is awakened.
Each time I read along with friends, I’m inspired and humbled again and again and amazed by how I never stop learning and the brilliance and even light humor conveyed through this universal spiritual pathway.
No Fee: I offer this free as a way to give back.
How this works:
* I only have 1 space available at this time.*
I walk through the texts with several people weekly.
We meet 1:1 through zoom weekly for 1 hour
* if you do not already have it, you will need to order the text “Way of the Heart” ~ Jeshua on Amazon or through Barnes and Noble.
We read together (like a book club!) and share what arises with each of us.
It’s a way of not feeling so alone on the journey inward, I had plenty of support from friends as I was journeying through my first time, I went to trainings as well, I know the importance of support and comrarderie .
I love this saying by Lilla Watson.
“If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
Each meeting begins with a check-in and about 15 min of attuning to Breath as a meditation and relaxation as a way of calming the nervous system so the pebbles of Wisdom dropped in through the texts as we read together have space to truly land.
I support your embodied understanding when helpful through:
- Mindfulness practice
- Embodiment work when supportive and
- Breathwork
These steps are how Soul liberation, healing, well-being and the joy of Life and authentic relating returned for myself so it’s what informs my own offerings.
**** my life changing journey ****
When I corrected my mind through applying the mindfulness practices and engaged in the inner work through these texts..
My menstrual cycles became monthly
I had only had 4 periods in my life up until that moment 13 years ago, and lived with a reoccurring thought that “something was wrong with me.“ I grew up having panic attacks and anxiety, I had been to doctors and even the Mayo Clinic to discover the root cause. I was at my wit’s end… and then these texts came into my life and gave me the education that when applied I healed myself.
As I healed my heart
My vulva began to feel life again, I didn’t realize how I had shut down my own innate aliveness.
As my soul began to make Herself known
I Knew I could relax into the Infinite within and without.
I became a wonderful lover to mySelf I felt fully alive!
As I learned about the joy of transparency, and had other sincere friends to practice with and learning to seeing parts of myself I was ashamed about in innocence my whole world knew Joy .
Even if sometimes I still choose fear I see so clearly for myself one did not go without the other.
Unlearning dogmatic systems and systematic oppression within self and learning the Laws of the Infinite worked hand in hand for myself.
One was not without the other.
And that’s how I most sincerely can work with another.
Yes you can come
For breathwork but how are you spending your time, do you practice living in possibility or living in limitation?
Yes I can support your education on embodied consent and becoming more authentic in your expression but are you surrounding yourself with people that support that, that love practicing vulnerability, honesty, transparency and surrender to Love’s guidance to?
Who support you in your unique soul path even as it may look totally different than their own.
I have walked through Way of the Heart text with close to 20 people and held 9 embodiment retreats.
I love seeing the relaxation that happens for another as they apply the teachings, and the Light comes on and I deepen my own understanding every time I hold spaces for others.
I love the door that opens between our hearts when nothing is hidden, Heaven remains.
My Sons