Two Year long Courses starting January 2025 


– a year long transformative journey through the living text Way of the Heart + evidence backed, embodiment practices with like- minded Community
Cost: This offering is free, we offer this in Service of Love, friendship and the healing of humanity. 

Once this group begins, it will be a closed container. (New people cannot join once we have begun) * limited to 8 participants

This creates a safe, intimate container for us all to grow, and blossom together in the year to come.

“Choosing authenticity means cultivating the courage to be imperfect, to set boundaries, and to allow ourselves to be vulnerable; exercising the compassion that comes from knowing that we are all made of strength and struggle; and nurturing the connection and sense of belonging that can only happen when we believe that we are enough. ~ Dr. Brene Brown

We will meet 75 min once per week on zoom.

Each meeting will include 30 minutes of breathwork, followed by 45 min of reading the text and sharing together the insights that arise for each of us.

Israel and Lauren will hold the container while also being participants within this shared container.

This is an opportunity to dive deep on your own ever unfolding journey of Self realization with like-minded friends

Through depth comes greater expansion.

We will laugh, cry, we will come emotionally alive, as veils lift and we come closer and closer and closer to the One Divine Love we all share. Heaven on Earth.

“No tree can grow to Heaven unless its roots reach down to Hell.”

This text will ask you the “just right” questions, that sparks contemplation, that brings deeper compassionate embodied understanding of the universal laws of God.

Through putting the contemplation and mindfulness tools into practice you (the reader) begin,  or continue, the process of deepening in one’s own understanding and Knowing of the Living Light of one’s own Soul.

You will discover or deepen your understanding of :

How to hear your own Guidance (from God’s inspiration ) that doesn’t come from the thinking brain, but can and will inform the thinking brain.

How to learn to discern the difference between Soul Guidance and the habit of attempting “to think” your way to answers.

the innate courage of your soul

The divine connection of head, heart, and belly

Sexuality’s (Life energy’s) true purpose, as fear and shame dissolve

With each chapter you will be partnered with another participant – where we will meet twice to practice authentic relating through exercises given and also share what we are each individually learning.

Safe Relationships are where we practice, where we share, where we see and are seen

Safe relationships are where shame and fear dissolve and Trust and Grace can be remembered.

Safe relationships are where authenticity comes alive and trustworthiness returns as choice is remembered.

Relationships are where we return to innocence and the recognition that nothing is outside of us.

“Love your brother/sister as your Self because your brother/sister is your Self” ~ Jeshua

Conscious relationships are where we learn to honor each other and be honored, where we learn self honesty and how to be celebrated for our own unique existence and life choices.

Relationships are where our shadows can come up, to be brought to a very real Living Light that is the seat of the soul.

Relationships are the couldron where Divinity is remembered.

Once this group begins, it will be a closed container.  A safe space for us all to grow, heal,  and blossom together in the year to come. 

3 opportunities for evidence backed- embodiment practice within the year.

Israel and Lauren will offer three optional opportunities throughout the year additionally (on zoom) to join together for education on somatics, trauma release and body dearmouring as part of our work together.

“Many of you believe you are on a spiritual path. You will know if that is true by your willingness to feel and experience wholly exactly what is in front of you, moment to moment. Whoo! So if you have enmity with another, if you have a conflict with another and you sit in your chair and decide to do what you call pray or meditate, in order to change the feeling state within yourself, and you arise later and say, “There, I’m feeling much better now,” but the issue has not been solved with another, nothing has changed. Go, therefore, to the other. Open your heart, share, resolve. If you have offended another, ask them their forgiveness. If you have judged another, admit it. Ask for their forgiveness. It is only in such a way that you can truly heal the place of conflict within. If you look well into your feelings and find any trace of resistance, you have not yet made the necessary commitment that gives you the power to open that door.

is the message of this hour. For it is only through feeling that you truly awaken. Concepts and ideas can begin to direct the mind to believe that there is something out there that is attractive that might even be better than what you’ve been doing before. But concepts and ideas do not, in themselves, open the door. They are symbols, and that is all. And a symbol can not quench your thirst.

It is only at the level of genuine feeling that you can once again know the presence of God Who dwells within you, around you, and through you, even now.” ~ Jeshua (Yeshua)

About Israel and Lauren

Israel is a Breathwork practitioner, a Way of Mastery facilitator, a student of Somatic Sex Education, has served as a trust worthy channel and medium for 13 years for many people, as well as was named a channel for the “Christ Lineage” for Way of Mastery Pathway.

Pulling together 15 years experience working with clients and groups, Israel uses a ‘parts’ informed approach to therapy; interweaving the teachings of the Christ Path, Radical Inquiry, Breathwork, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Wholeness and Energy Healing, this combined with Israel’s connection with Yeshua gives rise to a deep method of self- healing that he shares with others.

Israel brings a grounded depth and precision and yet he brings a quality of simplicity and on-going vulnerability.

Israel’s history in addiction and self-harm some twenty years ago led him to a choice point in a mystical experience that changed the direction of his life completely. This gives him such a deep empathy and understanding for suffering, and trust in Life that is humbling.


Lauren has been on a 14 year journey uncovering the true message of Christ for herself.

She grew up in Christian religion and felt deeply connected to Jesus (Yeshua) although the message of dogma and judgment did not land as truth in her being.

After a profound experience in yoga of deep Peace, she wanted to know the truth, and she asked Jesus to lead her to that.

Soon after a course in miracles and way of mastery came into her life and along with that, her own Guidance and connection to Jesus (Yeshua) began growing.

She found herself travelling to Africa, Costa Rica and diff parts of the world, practicing and also teaching the mindfulness and well-being practice of yoga.

Yoga means union, “to join”, “to unite” and she has discovered that Jesus similarly was pointing to our Union with our Creator.

She began discovering, He never taught religion or a belief system, but the profound journey of radical transformation in all aspects of our being.

Lauren has walked with close to thirty friends through Way of the Heart text since 2016, and lead 9 embodiment retreats (co-facilitating with both Israel and Amber for some of them.)

Way of the Heart text, which is the first of three (the Christ Mind trilogy) supports the reader in moving towards Self realization.

Through the text Jesus (Yeshua) also shares about His own journey here on Earth, which is humbling, heart felt and brings a deep love as a reader for His wisdom, mastery and also humor.

Lauren loves supporting others in their own release of fear, and remembering Divine Self, through walking with others devoted to their own awakening, and Self realization,

through these texts and enjoys the fruits of continually  growing friendships in Love with like-minded friends.

She has a degree in Communication studies, is a yoga teacher, breathwork practitioner and will soon begin her mentorship (final course) at the Somatic Sex Institute.

She is also in the study of His

Original Aramaic language bridging the gap between what He actually taught and sadly what His teachings became from mistranslation and innocent ignorance into what is now often known as “Christian religion”

She brings a grounded, evidence backed approach to all her offerings.

Lauren has been on a 14 year journey uncovering the true message of Christ for herself.

She grew up in Christian religion and felt deeply connected to Jesus (Yeshua) although the message of dogma and judgment did not land as truth in her being.

After a profound experience in yoga of deep Peace, she wanted to know the truth, and she asked Jesus to lead her to that.

Soon after a course in miracles and way of mastery came into her life and along with that, her own Guidance and connection to Jesus (Yeshua) began growing.

She found herself travelling to Africa, Costa Rica and diff parts of the world, practicing and also teaching the mindfulness and well-being practice of yoga.

Yoga means union, “to join”, “to unite” and she has discovered that Jesus similarly was pointing to our Union with our Creator.

She began discovering, He never taught religion or a belief system, but the profound journey of radical transformation in all aspects of our being.

Lauren has walked with close to thirty friends through Way of the Heart text since 2016, and lead 9 embodiment retreats (co-facilitating with both Israel and Amber for some of them.)

Way of the Heart text, which is the first of three (the Christ Mind trilogy) supports the reader in moving towards Self realization.

Through the text Jesus (Yeshua) also shares about His own journey here on Earth, which is humbling, heart felt and brings a deep love as a reader for His wisdom, mastery and also humor.

Lauren loves supporting others in their own release of fear, and remembering Divine Self, through walking with others devoted to their own awakening, and Self realization,

through these texts and enjoys the fruits of continually  growing friendships in Love with like-minded friends.

She has a degree in Communication studies, is a yoga teacher, breathwork practitioner and will soon begin her mentorship (final course) at the Somatic Sex Institute.

She is also in the study of His

Original Aramaic language bridging the gap between what He actually taught and sadly what His teachings became from mistranslation and innocent ignorance into what is now often known as “Christian religion”

She brings a grounded, evidence backed approach to all her offerings.