I’m glad you’re here!
Wisdom of Breath provides group yoga classes, trauma- informed embodiment education sessions, breath-work, naked yoga sessions, Embodiment retreats and/or an opportunity to meet with friends on a spiritual pathway of Self-discovery.
Each are to designed to nurture, deepen and awaken soul and your authentic, wise expression.
Tired of living in anxiety?
Sick of hating yourself?
Tired of self judgment?
Fed up with feeling shame about yourself and your body?
Ready to open to self-kindness, compassion, and healing?
Want mindfulness tools, that when put into practice have been proven to be life-changing?
Honoring mind/body/soul, the full spectrum of healing through compassionately and intentionally returning to original wholeness, is the intention of Wisdom of Breath.
Through this website you will find modalities that support this One purpose.
As a mindful embodiment practitioner, using time wisely is important to me.
I truly believe and know in my own experience, we can be moved by an effortless Grace, clear Direction and Intelligent Life Giving- Energy when we are truly ready to come Home to our Self.
My offerings are not a quick fix, and are a mindfulness practice that becomes
Embodied overtime.
Releasing the battle with the world/self and reconnecting with its natural flow begins by reestablishing right relationship with Self, through unlearning what is blocking that Awareness.
This is my truth.
This takes Desire, time, patience, compassion, and inner Work.
This is my lived experience.