Somatic Sex Education is about understanding our own bodies and Self, living from our innate organic aliveness and learning to communicate in an empowered way.

Education can involve learning about embodied consent through the work of Dr. Betty Martin, learning conscious communication skills, learning to understand one’s own desire’s and communicate desire, as well as trauma-informed conscious one-way touch sessions that allow dearmouring, and aliveness to return and also bring embodied education.

My friend Amber and I after an embodiment session

 This could be for you if :

You feel stuck in how much life-energy/ pleasure you experience and know there is an ocean of delight just beyond what your aware of now.

✔️ You have worked through your trauma or are in that process and now want a path back to a full, healthy sexual and embodied empowered life.

✔️You want a safe place to speak openly about the intimate details of your life 

✔️You are learning to embody boundaries, and how to value your voice. 

✔️You are learning  to love yourself again after sexual abuse or trauma. You are learning Self love. 

✔️ You want to incorporate clear communication skills, become clear on power dynamics in relationships,  normalize the power of  life-energy, pleasantness and pleasure in your practice and offerings.

✔️ You have a partner, and want your relational life to be juicy and sustainably enjoyable, full of aliveness and connection beyond endurance, habits,  performing, tricks, thrills and novelties.

The thing about enjoyment and mindfulness is that it is not something we know much about in our culture. In a culture that thrives off achieving, many have not been taught how to allow, slow down, feel and open the body through Self Awareness in safe, organic ways.. returning to the bliss of Being.

My partner Israel and I

Aliveness and full embodied living is an art that must be desired, cultivated, and practiced. Radiant Aliveness is who we naturally are, and yet it takes unwinding conditioning to allow Life essence to return to the forefront and guide our lives.

Participants from a recent retreat

It takes time. It takes intention. And it takes courage.

But even if you have these ingredients it can still take years and years of trial and error to find your way, we will always be learning and growing and returning again and again to not knowing and curiosity and wonder to allow Life’s Intelligence to keep revealing more and more and more to and through us.

The one thing that makes the biggest difference and I have found super supportive in my own life is the guidance and wisdom of someone who has walked the path before us.

Who can support us in not falling into the biggest traps, who can help us save time and support us through what feels like tough obstacles.

Someone who can encourage us, celebrate with us, and who we can practice healthy boundaries, and self honest,  relationship with.

Aliveness and embodied living changes us. It is a path that reveals all the stories, patterns and habits that keep us suffering and stuck. And often will change our lives completely.

Are you ready?

Ready to feel in charge and sovereign in your body and empowered in interaction with other bodies?

Ready to heal and find compassion  in places that once were painful or cut off?

Ready to feel free in your authenticity and live in wonder and awe of this human life and all the divinity that shines forth through us waiting to be discovered?

Ready to feel free from the shackles of fear and shame and come alive in trusting your Self/self?

If you are ready, and we align,  I am here to serve you on your path to Embodied Aliveness.



How to schedule an In-Person session:

3 Easy Steps To Book 

Step 1. Take some time to look at my intake form, fill it in online or download and email back to me.

Answer only the questions you feel are relevant to our work together

Step 2. Schedule a complimentary 15 min consultation call with me through email.

We will meet on zoom or on the phone this step is required before any in-person booking

Step 3. Send me an email or we can discuss on our call about the best dates and times that could work for us.


$125 per hour in person sessions

Sessions last usually between 1 and 3 hours.

Cancellation policy- must cancel before 24 hours notice or full payment is due. Unless it is an emergency which would be a rare occasion.

A bit more info :


Armour is an embodied response, it is the myriad of ways that your nervous system responds to a sense of threat or danger, which you then experience in your body. When you feel under threat your body responds in the only way that it knows in order to survive, through muscular contraction you as a form of psychological and emotional protection.- Norman Doidge- The Brain that Changes Itself.

“The tissues and fascia holding onto chronic guarding patterns can lead to desensitization, discomfort, pain, tension, and numbness, until the armour is released.

No matter what your experience has been, your body’s innate intelligence knows how to release the armour when you are supported in the right ways. “ Rahi Chun


Trauma isn’t just “in your head”. Trauma leaves a lasting imprint on your body. It disrupts your memory storage processes and changes the way your brain works.

Trauma left untreated can have a big impact on your future health. ~ D’amore Mental Health


I am trained in the evidence backed practiced of Genital dearmouring and if aligned and asked for do offer genital dearmourming to restore and expand safe and ecstatic presence in the body and it’s full capacity for aliveness and wholeness.

I do offer education with clients on what genital mapping and dearmouring is if it is supportive, aligned and for the purpose of the client’s self-healing.

* at one time I would not offer this work the state of Alabama but after discussing with my lawyer on April 24, 2024 and doing further research there are no laws against this in Coffee County – this is a new field of study. It’s called a “first impression.” There is no information on it.

When aligned and asked for I will offer the mindful and evidence-backed practice of genital dearmouring with vulva owners only.

Genital dearmouring has supported my own self -healing as well as many others I’ve worked with through Somatic Sex Education at the Somatic Sex Institute, Rahi Chun with Somatic Sexual Wholeness LLC and through educational retreats I’ve offered.
I will not withhold education that has so deeply changed my own life.

Somatic Sex Educators have a code of ethics that are followed and I am backed by the Professional Association of SSEA.

This is a Certified field but not a licensed field. It is in the field of naturopathy.



Session Room